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Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy Brief

This Privacy Policy covers Air Peace Ltd., its websites, mobile applications and mobile websites (except where you are notified of another privacy policy by Air Peace Ltd. entity who collects your personal information).


This policy outlines what customer data Air Peace Ltd. collects when customers visit the company website. Air Peace Ltd. acts as a Controller when collecting the data, thus Air Peace Ltd. should provide information regarding how and why the data is used as well as the rights that Data Subject has over those data

Using Air Peace Ltd Website

When browsing the Air Peace Ltd. website, customers will be faced with a number of cookies that allow Air Peace Ltd. to manage its website more efficiently. Therefore, some of the cookies are essential to Air Peace Ltd. website, so no consent is required from the customers to put these cookies on their computer. On the other hand, for the cookies that are not strictly essential, Air Peace Ltd. asks for a customer’s consent and does not place them on the computer without the customer’s consent.
We shall, from time to time, post changes to this policy so that you are informed at all times of the type of information that we are gathering as well as the purpose/s for which we use these data. Air Peace Ltd. undertakes to respect your privacy. We are committed to protect the personal data/information that you share with us.

Personal Data/Information We Collect and Use

a. Submitting a Question through Air Peace Ltd. Website
When submitting a question through Air Peace Ltd. website, some of the customer’s personal data/information like name, phone number, and email will be required.
Such information is used in order to identify, respond to the customer questions, and provide information related to our products and services as required from the relevant person. The procedure of emailing may go on for several times, just to make sure that the query of the customer is followed as needed.
The provided information will not be used to make any decision that might affect Air Peace Ltd. customer.
When you visit our website, you do so anonymously. We do not automatically collect personal information, including your email address(s). Air Peace Ltd. may however request for certain personal data/information such as your name, address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and/or debit/credit card details including billing address, passport number and nationality for the purpose of rendering a service you have requested to you or fulfilling an obligation such as making a reservation, registering an account on or utilizing our Peace Advantage promotions, a subscription to our newsletter, a registration to an event, participating in an online survey or when you ask to be included in an email as well as other mailing list, etc.

We may likewise request your specific medical condition where essential. Our general terms of carriage will have provided a detail of when this will be essential and for what purpose. At all times, this data/information will be requested for your safety and to serve you better.

Personal data/information provided on Air Peace Ltd. website are only used and processed to the extent necessary for us to fulfill our obligations to you, and/or to comply with our legal obligations.

There are circumstances where we may have to collect personal data/information about you from a third party such as a person making a booking on your account. It is deemed, in such circumstances that you have consented to your personal data/information being collected by us and to us handling it in accordance with this Policy. Notify us as soon as you come to the knowledge that your personal data has been provided to us by someone who does not have your consent to deal with it in that manner.
b. Purchasing a Product through Air Peace Ltd. Website
When purchasing products through the Air Peace Ltd. website, the name, address, phone number, email, and credit card information of the customer will be required. Your data/information is used to verify the credit card details, process the order, and proceed with the delivery of the product/service to the customer. A receipt will also be sent via email, and in certain cases the phone number may be used to contact the customer about the purchase.
The provided information is stored on the website and cloud server, both based in a secured data center (based on IATA standard for user data storage, and IATA Passenger and Airport Data Interchange Standards (IATA PADIS))
The provided data/information will not be used to make any decision that might affect Air Peace Ltd. customer.
c. Receiving Newsletters
When signing to receive newsletters, the name and email of the customer will be required. Therefore, consent will be required in order to use the name and email for sending a certain newsletter. In case the customer does not want to receive newsletters, the consent may be withdrawn at any time.
Customer’s information will be shared with a third party. Thus, the personal data will be protected as per the requirements placed by IATA for passenger data.
The provided information will not be used to make any decision that might affect Air Peace Ltd. customer.
d. Downloading a Sample Document
When requesting to download any document from the website such as white paper, article, or other, the person’s name and email address will be required. In this case, providing the name of the company is optional.
Such information will be used to send the requested documents to the customer. After downloading the requested document, another email may be sent to the customer to ensure that the request has been completed.
The provided information will not be used to make any decision that might affect Air Peace Ltd. customer.
e. Submitting a Review about Air Peace Ltd. Website
When submitting a review for Air Peace Ltd. website, the name and email address will be recorded. Such information will be used to provide information to the potential customers for the products and services that we offer. The personal data/information will be shared with a third party system review located in the European Union designated locations.
The provided information will not be used to make any decision that might affect Air Peace Ltd. customer.

How we may use your Personal Data

Air Peace Ltd. will inform you at the point of collection the purpose for which your personal data is being collected (example reservation, marketing purposes, special promotions, etc.).

Filling out your personal data may assist Air Peace Ltd. in the following ways.
i. In identifying you
ii. Administration
iii. Improving our services
iv. Statistical analysis
v. Billing
vi. Security vetting
vii. Customer profiling and analyzing your purchase preferences
viii. Fraud detection and prevention
ix. Regulatory reporting and compliance
x. To notify you of any change to this website or our services which may affect you
xi. Promotions

We will store records of your activity or transactions alongside your personal information as you keep using our products/services. This information will be kept for as long as necessary with due regard to the purpose for which it was collected or a related or ancillary purpose. We may consequently delete your personal information after a reasonable period of time and, if you have not used our services for some time, you may have to re-enter or re-supply your personal information to us.

We will not request that personal information which relates to your philosophical beliefs, ethnic origin, trade union membership, political opinions.

How We Share or Disclose Your Personal Data

Your personal information is never shared outside Air Peace Ltd. without your permission, except under conditions explained below.

Where the service or product is provided through a partnership with a third party, your personal information will NOT be collected by the said party on our behalf. Air Peace Ltd. may disclose your information to a third party ONLY in order to fulfil its obligation to you, or to comply with our legal duties. Where such is the case, we shall notify you and request your consent before proceeding. Only information needed by particular third parties to deliver their services to you shall be shared. Our Confidentiality Policy prohibits that they use the information obtained for any other purpose. We shall take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information on our website.

We will also disclose your personal information if required to by law or government regulation or agency, to enforce our Terms and Conditions, or in circumstances where necessary, to protect personal safety, the public or our website.

Data Security

In certain areas of our websites, Air Peace Ltd. uses industry-standard SSL-encryption to enhance the security of data transmissions. All card transactions are processed by and via our payment processing partner (Powered by Fidelity Bank, Interswitch and UBA). Air Peace Ltd. does NOT store and process your card information While we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure the security of the information you transmit to us, and so we urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet. Change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers, and make sure you use a secure browser.

Rights of the Data Subject

Data subject has the right to always ask what information Air Peace Ltd. holds, and correct any information if it is inaccurate. In case consent for processing the data subject’s personal data has been required, it is possible to withdraw such consent at any time.
In case data subject’s personal data is being processed for a contract or consent, the data subject is allowed to require a copy of the information.
The data subject has the right to ask Air Peace Ltd. to stop further processing any of the personal data for a period of time if believed that Air Peace Ltd. is not using the information properly.

Legal Rights Available to Help Manage Your Privacy

If you are subject to laws that provide you with such rights, depending on certain exceptions and the processing activity we are undertaking, you may have certain rights in relation to your personal information, such as the right to,
• Access personal information
• Restrict the further processing of your personal information.
• Object to the processing (including direct marketing) of personal information.
• Transfer your personal data/information to another Controller organization.
• Obtain a copy of personal information safeguards used for transfers outside your jurisdiction.
• Lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority.
You can exercise your rights by completing a form on our website or by contacting us by email or post.

Link to other Websites

This Privacy Policy applies only to this website. We may provide links to other websites which we are of the opinion that it may be of interest to our visitors. We aim to ensure that such websites are of the highest standard. However, due to the nature of the internet, we cannot guarantee the privacy standards of websites to which we link or be responsible for the contents of sites other than this one. We advise that you review the privacy policy statement of these websites.

Questions, Suggestions and Complaints

If you have queries or concerns about our conformity with this Policy or you would like to make recommendations on how we can better the quality of our Privacy Policy, please email us at info@flyairpeace.com. or contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), Emmanuel Nwankwo with email: emmanuel.nwankwo@flyairpeace.com. Telephone: +234 8103152664.

Website Privacy Policy Updates

Air Peace Ltd. reviews and regularly updates the website privacy policy. In case there is any change to the policy, Air Peace Ltd. will update the version number and the effective date of the changes.

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